Neither the Kodi Foundation nor Comparitech advocates the use of Kodi for piracy. Warning: Kodi should only be used for content to which you have the legal right to access. It allows users to view content stored on their devices but also supports mini-apps called “addons” that gather content from a wide variety of streaming services.

This program is extremely customizable and can handle just about any media-centric task you can imagine, from scraping information such as cast lists to automatically syncing your watch history. It can be installed on Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android, or Linux devices, including TV devices like Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, and Nvidia Shield. Kodi is free media center software from the Kodi Foundation that’s become extremely popular thanks to its versatility and multi-platform support. Just follow our guide to completely delete unwanted Kodi addons in under a minute. The good news is that removing a Kodi addon is quick and easy. In the worst cases, you may have heard that an addon you have installed has become compromised, making it all the more important that you remove them as soon as possible. If you’ve taken a break from Kodi, you might even come back to find that your favorite addons no longer work.

Perhaps you’re hoping to install an alternative from a different developer, or you just never use it anymore.

There are all kinds of reasons why you might want to delete Kodi addons.